Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Online Socializing Dangers

Be careful what you post on your Facebook or MySpace pages. There was an article in that talked about how sentencing was effected by what was on the defendent's page (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jul/21/facebook-photos-judges-of-character/). I thought this was interesting in that I know many people don't think about how this might effect them. This particular article talked about a defendent that had gone to a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner in a stripped uniform. This was while the victim from the drunk driving accident recovered in the hospital. It showed to the prosecutor and the judge that even if the defendent were acting remorseful in the courtroom thier actions outside the courtroom were not very remorseful at all.

I have been doing more reading lately on how employers are using the Wayback machine (http://www.archive.org/index.php, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Archive#Wayback_Machine) as well as Facebook and MySpace to check on the background of their candidates for a job. While this might not effect you when you are applying to McDonalds other jobs out of college could be hindered by what you published in the past (http://jobsearch.about.com/od/jobsearchblogs/a/jobsearchblog.htm). I know in middle school you don't think that this will effect you much, but it might down the line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good information to keep in mind - especially since I am the parent of teenagers. Will have to look in to this more.