Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I am Reading

Well, I have finished Th1rteen Rea3sons Why. It was a good book. The subject of suicide was a little depressing. On to the next book.

I am having trouble picking my next book. I have started Lessons from a Dead Girl, it is becoming another very depressing book. I am also trying to pick one of the Iowa Teen Award books to read as well. I think that I have read all the "light" ITAs. I am not sure. If anyone has a suggestion let me know. I could use a couple of lighter topic books.

Hope you all had a good summer and we will see you in the LMC soon.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer Reading Assignment

Don't forget to be working on your Summer Reading Assignment. You can pick up an additional packet of information if you need it when you come in for registration. Don't forget it is on the Berg Middle School Website as well. Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in a little over two weeks.